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Will got in the tub with bubbles and stuck his face in the water and got some soap on his eyes and says are my eyes the same as they were?

Will-I am going to be John. Me-where did you get John from. Will-my imagination. Will-When we have a little brother his name will be Micheal and a sister named Wendy. Me- All people from Peter Pan. Will- I like Peter Pan.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Total rambling:)

The boys are going to a Jazzercise class  after the game!

I have been the worst blogger mostly because I currently do not have a camera so I don't want to post without pictures, but I wanted to document some fun things that have been going on. Last night we were able to meet up with some old friends (Matt Clark, Seth Ellison, and Josh and Cristy Wiser) to go to the MLS all star game.  It was so much fun visiting and watching the game even though they lost:(! Those guys always tell the same jokes and still laugh so hard at them and that makes me laugh:) Our good friends Amber and Craig were there and Chris and Celeste.  They are so cute and fun! Amber took these pictures and was kind enough to send them to me:) Last week I finished my first marathon! I was super excited when it was finally over and I had actually survived:) I will post pictures later.  My awesome friends Margaret and Amber helped me train for it.  They picked me up at 3:20 a.m. to head to load the bus.  We went up the mountain and waited for the race to start. It was one of the hardest things physically that I have ever done.  I wasn't sure I was going to make it at mile 20, but with the encouragement of my family I was able to push through the end.  Luckily it wasn't too hot until the last 4 miles.  I got super thirsty and hungry at the end too.  When I got done all I wanted to do was eat ha ha! Thanks to Brooks for supporting me and helping me with the kids while I trained and for coming to the marathon he is the best husband ever.  My kids thought I was cool so that made me happy:) I love them all so much! Also, thanks to my family for coming as well it was so helpful to see people cheering me on.  My parents stayed the night before to come cheer me on! They are always so supportive as well! I love all of you guys so much!! I was really sore the next 2 days, but seemed to be okay after that:) The rest of Pioneer day was spent taking a 4 hour nap then we took the kids to the movie and then watched some fireworks from East High School.  Then, on Saturday we spent the day at a Soccer Tournament and then at Brooks dad's house with them which we always have a great time at! We went to dinner and then we did fireworks which the kids LOVED! We have had such a busy summer and are so bummed it is almost over.  I can't believe both my boys are headed to school this year SCARY!!! I am super excited Brooks is starting his 3rd year I am so proud of him! He always works so hard and it always pays off! Will is so big SAD!! He will love it though so I am excited for him too! Anyways, I am just rambling on and on now but I wanted to document some fun things going on in life right now:)


Amie said...

SOOO cute as always! I can't wait to visit the websight where you got this background! I've never hear of it before, and the background is AWESOME!

Keslers said...

Hey, congrats on the marathon. You are so awesome, and I am totally jealous, but I am determined to run one before I die. We do need to chat so I will call you one of these days when things slow down a bit.