Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008

So, when we first moved into our apartment we accidentally had left some clothes at Brooks dad house and forgot about them. When we woke up on Sunday morning we realized Brooks didn't have any of his clothes. We were lucky enough to find this shirt that had too short of sleeves and some pants he never wears. He had no ties but he was able to borrow one from Will. He threw a sweater over it all and all you could see was the shape of the tie underneath and how short it was. It was sooooo funny I had to capture it:) HA HA
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What is your husband's name? Brooks
How long have you been married? 5 years
How long did you date? 1 year
How old is he? 27
Who eats more sweets? Me definitely! He is more of a salty man.
Who said "I love you" first? He did.
Who is taller? Brooks unless it is Sunday and I am wearing heals than we could be close.
Who can sing the best? It is scary either way:)
Who is smarter? Brooks definitely! I would have never even made it through the 1st week of law school!
Who pays the bills? I do and it drives me crazy! I always want him to take over, but it would drive me crazy not to know where all our money goes.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me in this apartment. If our bed is against a wall Brooks has to sleep next to the wall so our last apartment he slept on the right
Who mows the lawn? Neither thank heavens it is a good thing we have a gardener ha ha
Who cooks dinner? I do Brooks is way too busy, but he loves to give me tips on how to cook things the right way:)
Who drives? Brooks because he says I am a bad, but I am an even worse back seat driver:)
Who kissed who first? Probably Brooks:)
Who asked who out first? He did. We hung out at Aubrey's and then he asked me out after he found out I was super cool HA HA!
Who wears the pants? I think it is about equal. He would for sure say he does
I TAG: Amy, Taiya, and Wendy ( YOU ALL BETTER DO IT:)
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Well I am back from my trip to Florida. I was asked to do a project with Icon and decided to go. I was able to have my mom come stay a lot of the time here with my kids (thanks again mom and to Wendy and Michelle) for helping me out. I immediately was able to get along and enjoy the ladies I went there with. They all made me laugh so hard and it seemed like we were all the same age and had been friends forever. It was great. I have to say the best part of the trip was being able to go to Nordstroms and we got to go shopping and just pick whatever we wanted (and get it approved). Everyone spent like $600 on their outfit and they bought it for us for the project. One lady got a $900 outfit. It was like a dream to pick out what you wanted and not even look at the price. We also had to have this awesome airbrush spray make up that took like 5 seconds to apply. I need one for my house!!We flew out on Monday and had to stop in Atlanta. Then we loaded another plane to Tampa. It was cold there the first few days and then it warmed up. We sat around most of the time, but on the last day I was able to go to some beaches and see how beautiful it was. WOW! I am going to take Brooks and the kids back to Clearwater beach someday:) It was beautiful!!! The sand looked and felt like powdered sugar. I was able to eat great food every night. I even got to sit in a cold hot tub. Our hotel was a little old and not that nice and apparently there hot tub was broken so it was not that great. I was so happy to see Brooks and the kids when I got back. Thanks Brooks for encouraging me to go, he is the best:) It was a great time and it made me so ready to get back and enjoy life here. Thanks everyone for helping and all the ladies for helping me have a great time!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween. The kids looked so cute and they got lots of candy. We went out to Brooks dad's house where Darlene was of course dressed up, which the kids thought was great. We got to carve their pumpkins. Will wanted an Ironman pumpkin so Brooks got to try to figure out how to do that! Then we went trick or treating around his neighborhood. Halle caught on quick and ended up telling me she wanted more houses and she would push her way to the front of the pack at every door. It was so funny. Then she would say trick or treat really sweet and cute. Will would run ahead of us just to hurry and get to the next house. Then they were pooped and wanted to quit. Halle wouldn't let anyone have any of her candy. If I asked her for a peice she said no my candy. Will was so tired by the end. We went to our friends Jamie and Ryan's house for a party and it was super fun too. The kids got to play while we visited and ate. We had a great Halloween and the kids can't wait for next year. Will asked on the ride home if we could go again tomorrow. I laughed. I took those pictures on the ride home. Halle didn't have her other clothes off yet in the last picture, but it was still cute. I thought they were so cute!
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